Pilates and Alexander: The Men, Their Discoveries, and Their Legacies


feedback & support


Link suggestions are most welcome. If you would like to exchange links, please use this contact information. Please bear in mind that these are links, not recommendations.

The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique - Comprehensive information source

Online Posture and Movement Coaching - Learn the Alexander Technique anywhere in the world

Ergonomics.org - Posture, Movement and Ergonomics

Up With GravitySM - Harness the power of gravity to release tension and lighten up

PhysicalTherapy.org - Physical Therapy and Alexander Technique - How these two fields relate

Alexander Technique Podcast - Extensive collection of audio interviews

Alexander Audio - More audio interviews

Alexander Video - The best online videos and DVDs about the Alexander Technique

The Posture Page - Better ways to stand, sit and present yourself to the world

Posture - Resources related to the Alexander Technique and Posture

Kristen Fryer - Alexander Technique teacher and Pilates instructor in Cincinatti, Ohio

Form Fitness & Function - Pilates and Alexander Technique and Skype sessions in Asheville, NC

Alexander Technique Guild of Ohio - Teachers and resources

HealthDirectoryMoz - Human edited directory of quality medical and health related websites

Samsara Pilates and Pole - Pilates studio in Takoma, Washington

Heads Up on Your Body - Comprehensive Pilates website and blog

Rhinebeck Pilates - Classical Pilates studio in Rhinebeck, NY

Pilates with Alexander Technique - Pilates instruction in Cambridge, England

Improve Your Posture Without Exercise - Posture eBook based on the Alexander Technique

Pilates for Athletes - Studio in Baltimore, Maryland

Pilates Insight - Information guide to Pilates equipment, videos and training materials

Pilates-Method-Exercise - A simple guide to the benefits of Pilates exercise

The EasyVigour Project - Illustrated online library of Pilates exercise instructions

Shel Wagner Rasch - Pilates and Alexander Technique in the Los Angeles area

This site is a service of: Alexander Technique Nebraska and Toronto and Care for your Parents, Care for Yourself Coaching

   website design by Imogen Ragone
